Daniel Hunt – Class Teacher 2017-18
Summer Term 2
Dates for your Diary
26.06.18 – Sports Day – at Rowley Park
02.07.18 – Year 1 Parent Consultation Meetings
12.07.18 – Summer Fair
16.07.18 – Meet the Teacher
17.07.18 – Leavers Assembly
20.07.18 – Zone Assembly 11am and – 12 o’clock school finish.
Our learning this half term.
We will continue our Buckets and Spades Challenge pack. Our outcome will showcase all of our work—this will be shared with year 2.
It will be a seaside/countryside festival. We look forward to you joining us! A letter will follow to confirm this date.
This term, Miss Lea and Mrs Micklewright will be working in class with your children. We are all very excited and are looking forward to continue working with you.
Children will be looking at how to stay safe at the beach such as sun safety and water safety. They will be designing and creating a range of items that will be available at our seaside/countryside festival. They will also be researching different artists and their work which will be showcased during our class assembly.
This term we will continue to focus on Athletics. Children will learn co-ordination skills, then they will apply these skills at our sports day!
Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. We have P.E on Thursdays and Fridays. Please make sure
children have P.E kits in school including suitable footwear.
If your child wears earrings, please make sure they take them out on PE days. If they are una- ble to do this, plasters are available.
Our homework pack will based around our challenge pack which is due in at the end of term. Remember you and your child can choose to complete a large dish, a small dish or both if you wish.
Every week your child will receive a set of spellings. Please practice these at home twice a week as we will have a spelling test every Monday.
For Maths, I will send home this term’s ’Snappy Maths’. We do this in school daily and it will really help your child
Summer Term 1
Dates for your Diary
Monday 7th May: School closed for Bank Holiday
Friday 25th May: Break up for Half Term.
Monday 4th June: Children return to School.
Monday 2nd July: Parent consultation for children starting Year 2 in September
Similar to last term, Miss Lea and Mrs Micklewright will be working with your children.
This term’s Challenge pack is called Buckets and Spades.
The outcome will bring the seaside to RPA which will allow families to feel like they are having a day at the beach. We look forward to you joining us! A letter will follow to confirm this date.
As part of their learning journey, children will locate beaches within the UK on a map. Children will compare and contrast the town they live in to the seaside. They will be looking at the four seasons and the weather that is typical within these seasons.
P.E. This term we will be focusing on Athletics. Children will learn co-ordination skills, throwing, jumping and a healthy competitiveness.
Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school. We have P.E on Thursdays and Fridays
If your child wears earrings, please make sure they take them out on PE days. If they are unable to do this, plasters are available.
Our new homework pack will be sent out at the beginning of this term based around our new challenge pack. You and your child can choose to complete a large dish, a small dish or both if you wish.
Every week your child will receive a set of spellings. Please practise these at home twice a week as we will have a spelling test every Monday.
For Maths, I will send home a ’Snappy Maths’ worksheet. We do this in school daily and it will really help your child with mental strategies if you practise these activities at home.
Encouraging regular attendance is one of the most powerful ways to support children; for both for their happiness and well- being, as well as improving their learning in school. In the spring term, our classes attendance was 93.9 % with our school target being 96.1%. With your continued support, we hope to achieve our school target attendance in the summer term.
Weeks Beginning Monday 4th September 2017
On Tuesday 12th September, year 1 joined the whole school for our Big Science Adventure. The day was filled with exciting experiments and a brilliant session with Sublime Science, who made sweets and slime with the children. It was great to see all staff and pupils had made an effort with their fantastic costumes! In year 1, our science topic this term was everyday materials so in groups pupils worked together to use different materials to make boats. Once the boat building was complete the pupils took their boats out and raced them.
In preparation for the Big Adventure Science Fair, year 1 looked at the scientific process of melting to decorate some science themed biscuits for parents to buy. Pupils loved getting messy and following instructions they wrote in English to bake the delicious biscuits.