At Rowley Park Primary Academy, we aim to provide a PE curriculum that is inspiring and inclusive so that all pupils achieve well and enjoy the benefits of physical activity. We aim to instil within the children a passion and love for sport and physical activity.
Within PE lessons, children will be exposed to a range of activities and sports to inspire a wider participation inside and outside of school. Children will develop an understanding of the importance of physical health and fitness and the impacts on their own mental health and well-being. The curriculum ensures children leave Rowley Park with a love of physical activity, understanding the importance of this for an active, healthy life and improved wellbeing.
Through a discrete offer, children at Rowley Park Primary Academy will receive a balanced, progressive Physical Education Curriculum through 6 main strands – Gymnastics, Dance, Games, Athletics, Swimming and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities.
Teachers will provide high quality teaching and resources in an inclusive, collaborative environment through the use of purposeful WALTs and success criteria, modelling opportunities, assessment, reflection and evaluation points and opportunities to work on skills and apply these individually, in team activities and in co-operative as well as competitive sporting situations.
Our Children will also have the opportunity to attend a range of extra-curricular clubs such as forest school, football, multi-sports, dance, gymnastics and represent the school in sporting events throughout the year.
In year 3, in line with statutory expectations, all our children attend swimming and water-safety lessons with the aim that all of our children can:
• Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
• Use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.
• Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations
Parents are encouraged to take advantage of local recreational swimming opportunities in order to give children additional swimming practice.